- I'm home alone with the kids for the weekend.
- The kids are going through a stomach bug. Sarah's getting over it, and Eli is in the midst of throwing up everywhere.
- Cleaning up vomit while pregnant is just not easy or pleasant.
- Worst of all - I'm watching hours and hours of Dora the Explorer and Baby Einstein to keep my 2yo & 3yo stationary and entertained. I think I may be going crazy.
My new camera is up and running! Pictures should be coming when I can trust the kids to not vomit for a few minutes.
Here are a couple 3yo funnies. Eli & I had fallen asleep for about 15 minutes one afternoon. He popped up in bed, walked to the foot of the bed, pulled down his shorts, and emptied his bladder on the floor. Fortunately, I was too stunned to speak. I have to assume he was still asleep since this certainly is NOT his normal behavior.
Then, an hour later, he leans toward me with a big smile on his face and tells me that he has a secret for me. I give him my ear as secrets must be whispered, and tells me very proudly, "Mom, I don't like you!" Really? After you just urinated on my bedroom floor without any response from me? Fortunately for him, he has since changed his secrets to, "Mom, I love you!"
And just think, I'll have a 3yo next year too. Lucky me.