Saturday, February 12, 2011

Falling in love with

junior versions of games! Our winters seem to be a time for playing games, and I have fallen in love with the junior versions of adult games. Who knew they were worth buying? Sequence Jr is played EVERY day by someone between the ages of 8yo (who is too old for it) and 2yo (who is too young for it).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Following in Grandma Kleckner's footsteps.....

this little girl devours grapefruit. She doesn't limit it to breakfast, though!

I've been pondering lately.....and I'm not sure what to do or what to it possible to make your kids too nice? Not that mine are too nice (especially to each other), but I worry that they don't have enough spunk or enough of a tough shell. I worry that they can't let down their hair and just laugh, go with the flow. I do know that these concerns point right back I don't laugh or let down my hair enough.........I handle my workload well, but that's not enough. Returning to pondering mode.....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

At the end of the day when

the day is re-run through my mind and I'm left remembering how often I failed my family, I look at these little sleeping bodies and realize that I did do something right. Not only do all four of them sleep in the same room (by choice), but Anna and Sarah share Sarah's twin bed. They settle in together, Anna covers up Sarah, and then Anna tells Sarah a story. When they are all ready and the lights are off, the four of them play their guessing game before they fall asleep. I smile as I hear them laughing and giggling together. Despite our many daily struggles, my kids are bonded to each other.

Well, I think my baby is cute

so here he is! He did go for a 2 month check-up where he weighed in at 14lbs, 6oz. That put him in the 95th percentile. Why are all our babies at the top of the scale? Just to make you jealous....but realize it took me five tries to hit pay dirt....Simon sleeps through the night and has for over a month. He goes to bed around 8:30 and *usually* doesn't wake up until 5:00. Can you believe it? Here I am doing my happy dance - xxxx!!!!!xxxx.