Thursday, May 19, 2011

In case you wondered,

DON'T BRING THE LIZARD UPSTAIRS IN YOUR HANDS!!! Yes, I'm shouting. If you find a lizard and want to keep him for a pet, great. But, ya know, he needs to stay in his own little home. He doesn't get to roam around my home. And for what it's worth, YOU are digging worms to feed it. I have enough mouths to fill already. And...don't leave a turtle in a toddler swimming pool around a our annoying dog. Said dog will kill said turtle and make your kids cry. Then said dog will dig up your new fruit trees and make you cry. Once anyone is crying, the baby will add his sympathy cries. What a mess.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The interesting and The cute

Cute - brothers who look like brothers

Interesting - Anna & Jonah: 2 years apart in age

More interesting - Jonah & Eli: 2 years & 4 months apart in age

Mildly interesting - Eli & Sarah: 1 year & 7 months apart in age
Cute - Jonah's first lost tooth

3yo Birthday

The cake The presents: A mini American Girl doll just like Anna has and a tea set just like Anna has. Do you see a pattern?

7yo Birthday!

Baking his own cake Decorating his cake (Yes, we now have a family tradition of crazy candy cakes)
Blowing out the candles
His first birthday party! We had to reschedule it due to SNOW. Yes, snow in mid-April. Oh, well. The boys had fun with a 100% outside party. They ran and ran and ran before, between, and after our planned scavenger hunt and bonfire. They particularly loved chasing the chickens.