Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Matching

Yesterday morning I found Jonah dressing Eli. Here are the outfits Jonah picked out: Do they look matching to you? Then, Jonah's shirt got wet. After that catastrophe, here is what I found the boys wearing:
These boys are a riot. They are creating more laundry than the girls! Who would have thought that they want to match? I suppose if I made them match, they wouldn't like it. Today is another interview for Mark. Before the interview, he's stopping by yet another district attorney office to line up some volunteer work in case he doesn't get the job he's interviewing for later. Wow. That was a mouth full. Mark went winter wear shopping yesterday and found almost all of the kids' clothes on clearance. Score! We only have winter wear through size 3T, so Anna & Jonah needed almost complete outfits. My cold continues to hang on. These constant sinus headaches really wear on me. I am very fortunate that the older three spent most of yesterday outside playing dinosaurs. I'm not sure if I could have handled their normal level of noise and commotion anywhere near my head.

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