Saturday, February 7, 2009

***Special Report***

Sarah is walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night she took one step twice. Then, just before lunch today she started taking off. She's only going about 5-6 steps at a time right now, but she sure wants to walk more. Wow. She's only 9.5 months old. She's the second fastest walker in our family. Eli walked at 9m, Anna at 10.5m, and Jonah at 12m. In other news, the moving in continues. I have to laugh at our kitchen situation. When we got here, we discovered that the landlord had moved out the stainless steel fridge. Now I think it's because it was the only working appliance in the kitchen. The dishwasher doesn't work and neither does the oven. At least I have the stovetop and microwave. Good thing we own four crockpots and a skillet!!

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