Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Resurrection Class

I think I've been replaced as our homeschool preschool teacher. Today Anna decided that she was going to teach Resurrection Class. When she said that, I thought she surely couldn't mean resurrection. She must be using the wrong word. Well, I eavesdropped on her class (that's what all the good moms do, ya know), and she did mean resurrection. She told the boys all about Jesus dying on the cross and rising again. Then.....drum roll....she even had them do crafts!!!!! She made them each a cross to color. She wrote their initials on their crosses and drew a picture of Jesus on their crosses. Isn't that just too funny? She hung up all their pictures from school during their recess. I don't know how she learned about recess??? You can see the crosses in the picture below. The other pictures are just free expression. They must have had extra art time in class.

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