Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm overwhelmed. We're overwhelmed. I don't know how people live like this. We are juggling far too many balls right now, and it's consuming our lives. The good news is that it will be over in a couple months. The bad news is that this is going to last for another couple months.
Mark is spending every available moment working on the house. Sarah is routinely napping in the van so I can grab an hour or two to help him. We have started getting a babysitter for her on Saturday afternoons too. The other three entertain themselves out at the farm. Since it has a barn we decided that the property qualifies as a farm.
Anyway, here is a cute pic that I took this evening. Eli and Jonah fell asleep together in Eli's little toddler bed. I can't believe they fit in there together.
And, here's the book I am slowly reading.
The author spoke at the conference I went to last week, and I succumbed to buying her book. The book is affirming our parenting choices as we raise uncommon kids in a common world. It's giving me opportunites to think about what the next stage looks like. I am guessing we will become even more uncommon, and I'm comfortable with that. I like our kids. They certainly aren't perfect, but they are good kids.

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