Friday, October 2, 2009

Another day, another picture

Here are the kids eating dinner. We eat in the kitchen when Mark isn't home since it's easier for me. Sarah usually sits on the counter. It's just easier for everyone that way. She is very proficient at stealing food off other plates when the kids aren't paying attention. Anna & Jonah created guitars yesterday, and they have been working on a band ever since. Eli plays the drums and Sarah dances. They performed an original work titled "Popcorn" this morning.
Anna found a paper wasp nest. Luckily it was vacant. Paper wasps are our nature topic for the week. This picture will be in her nature journal.
Since I wash EVERY dish by hand, I spend a lot of time washing dishes. To keep Sarah occupied, I put her in the sink while I wash. It's a very interesting process. This is the beginning of yet another dishwashing session. Anna felt the need to be in the picture too.

1 comment:

Gruenes said...

I know how it is to wash dishes by hand, we have had to do that for the past year as we do not have a dishwasher. I am looking forward to TX and having a dishwasher again:o) Dishes are just so time consuming. I love the pictures!!!
