Monday, December 28, 2009

Foolish, foolish, foolish

The court adminstrator called this morning to report on Mark's rescheduled court hearings. While on the phone, she told me that the roads were impassable and that the sheriff recommended no county traveling today. Well, Mark thought he needed to get to work. I told the kids to watch Dad out the window becuase we would be able to see him either get stuck or go in the ditch. He started out strong and then got in a large drift about 100 yards up the road. He got himself out of the drift and tried to back up to our driveway. Well, he couldn't get here. The truck kept running into the ditch. So, the only way out was through the drift to town. He took another strong run and got through. Then, he called me to ask me to watch for the plows. Apparently he now thinks he should get home soon after the plows go through. Ya think? Here are some pics. The plows went through Sat afternoon and we haven't received much snow since. Here is our road in the opposite direction of the highway. Here is our stranded mailbox.
Here is the road to town. You can see Mark's tracks. I'm amazed he made it through.

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