Thursday, January 14, 2010

I can see how people become alcoholics

it's because they are trying to do the impossible in a rather mundane life. My life is pretty simple. Why does it become overwhelming at the drop of a hat? Mark called this morning asking us to shovel off the cellar door so the electrician can get in. With the way it's setup, the kids won't be able to effectively move the snow, so I decided that I had to do it. I left Jonah in charge of Sarah and dressed for the part - snowpants, boots, jacket, gloves, and shovel. I waided through drifts thigh high to get back there while wondering if the electrician is really going to wade through those same drifts. I shovel the snow and find a coat of ice underneath the snow. Great. I needed to wade back through the drifts to get an icepick. Then, Anna's yelling through the window that Sarah is screaming b/c she has a dirty diaper. With Sarah's lilly white skin, a dirty diaper almost immediately turns into severe diaper rash. There can be no waiting with her diaper changes. So, I wade through the drifts and hurry to get to her. Well, I was too late. The diaper rash had already set in. So, now that sets us down another path - bath, clothing change, etc. Meanwhile, I'm wondering if I have time to get her out of the bath, get my gear back on, and clear out the ice before I take Anna into town for her music class. Man. A simple life and yet full of stress points and the unexpected. I can see how easy it would be to self-medicate some days. Anyway, off to figure out my ice dilemna.

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