Monday, May 17, 2010

New Drivers

If this doesn't make you nervous,
this will!!! Jonah driving our lawn tractor? Yikes!
Our lawn tractor has a safety feature such that it kills if you don't weigh a certain amount. Drives me crazy because it kills every time I get off the seat, but I guess they have a point about not wanting kids mowing lawn. Anna is about 2 inches too short to reach the pedals and have enough weight on the seat to keep it from killing. Mark came up with the novel idea of having Jonah sit behind her so she could drive the tractor by herself. His idea obviously worked. Those safety features surely weren't meant for us. :)

1 comment:

Zeimetz Family said...

ha ha thats cute!! Our mower has the same saftey feature- if you put the parking brake on however it doesnt kill when you hop off...what I cant stand is you have to have the key turned to a specific setting otherwise when you're mowing and put it in reverse it dies.... Im waiting for LK to grow big enough to reach-- then ill be in your situation and no doubt pulling my hair out LOL