Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm Fried

Why? Well, it's not because I'm single parenting four young children and growing another one for 2.5 weeks. It's not because I just got done carting my oldest two to their summer rec programs and entertaining the youngest two during the programs - for six weeks. It's not because I'm driving Jonah to OT 1.5 hours away every week. It's not because I'm cooking and cleaning and lawn mowing and child training and wiping butts and all the other mundane things I do in a day. It's not because I'm getting ready to start school next week. Well, then, WHY you ask? It's because last night I woke up at 3ish in the morning to FOUR bats flying around my house. Yes, on top of everything else, I have to deal with bats in the middle of the night. Not just one bat, but FOUR. So, what happens when bats are flying everywhere? At first I thought I only had two in my bedroom, so I closed the door on them and went to open the outside doors. Then I discovered the other two. Great. I opened the outside doors and opened my bedroom door hoping they would all leave. Then I ventured upstairs to see if I had more up there. Thankfully not. I shut the boys' bedroom door so the bats wouldn't go in there and then went downstairs to do the same for the girls' room. Somewhere along the way I called Mark and woke him up. I mean, if I have to deal with this, he should loose some sleep too, right??? Unfortunately the bats didn't figure out how to get out right away. While they were zooming and zipping around, the barn cats decided they needed to come in. Great. I took a couple swipes at one bat with a broom, but it ended up crawling up a wall into the unfinished ceiling. That's even worse than having them fly around. Then Jonah woke up, and I went to comfort him while waiting for the bats to leave. I suppose I could have sat on the couch and calmly waited for them to depart, but I didn't. I hid with my boys and waited. I finally heard a little squeak in the upstairs family room. I opened the bedroom door a crack and saw one of my barn cats carrying a bat in her mouth. I had visions of a dead and gorged bat somewhere in my house, so I asked her to please take it outside. Fortunately she complied with that request. I think she found the last one, and I can't find any remaining in the house today. I am NOT - NOT - NOT looking in the attic. I have a call into The Bat Guy. I don't know who he is, but I hope he can help me. I am so worried about tonight. I'm guessing those friendly four have friends hiding somewhere.

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