Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today's wild animal spotlight is the woodchuck

Anna found a woodchuck outside our patio door this afternoon, and it didn't want to be shooed away with a broom. Bad choice by Mr. Woodchuck. Our neighbor came and killed it for us with a baseball bat, and then he disposed of it too. Full service extermination for free. Thank you, wonderful neighbors! I can handle weasels with a baseball bat, but woodchucks are a little too big for me. Well, maybe I'll try the next one. I have to upgrade from weasels at some point, right? Poor Mark. It seems like everytime we have run-ins with wild animals he's not here. We've had a weasel, bats, and now a woodchuck in the past month. He did get the skunk though. Mark came home Wed night from Alaska and had to leave again Friday afternoon for his reserve weekend in the Cities. He's been home for about one week out of the past month.

1 comment:

Zeimetz Family said...

see- this is why we have to get you a little 22-- something tha takes far less time to put something down...possibly lessy messy