Saturday, October 30, 2010

Everyone Loves Simon!

The most doted upon baby in all of Minnesota........ He certainly has Anna's coloring. We have come full circle.
Yikes. This looks like a big family.
The proud biggest sister. Anna told me that she could spend hours just looking at Simon.
Biggest big brother who is in LOVE with having another little brother. He doesn't yet see the negative of sharing one room with two little bros.


Lorraine said...

Congratulations!! You guys sure make cute kids! We're so happy for you guys! It makes me have baby fever lol

Zeimetz Family said...

Congrats on the new little man, well, can't exactly call him little now can I! He's loved from Minnesota all the way through Oklahoma and Texas. I hope to meet the little guy when we're up for Christmas, as long as there's no snow storms :)

Gruenes said...

Congratulations!!! He is adorable and I love the family picture!!! Give Baby Simon lots of hugs and kisses from us in TX, we can't wait to meet him!!!