Saturday, January 29, 2011

This is our life...

Beautiful days in the depth of winter = early dismissal They all stop to love on Simon. Poor Simon probably just wants some time alone. Can you tell that she was miserable? Two sweet boys
Another sweet boy... Jonah has started speech therapy at the public school. He goes 2x per week. My mom heart is so sad when I read his speech paperwork. My wonderful, sweet little 6yo has multiple speech issues with a dysfluency level of 38%. "Normal" speech has a dysfluency of less than 5% so he falls in the severe category for speech disabilities. He doesn't have issues with pronunciation, but rather, he has the more difficult speech issues of stuttering, verbal blocks, etc. The strange thing is that some days he speaks perfectly fine and other days he really, really struggles.
It all started about 1.5 years ago. The therapist told me that his type of speech issues are usually brought on by stress. I have a little niggling concern way down deep that I caused his speech issues since it started at the same time I started to teach him to read. :( I wonder if I started reading instruction too early. I am very hopeful, though, since his speech therapist thinks he is responding favorably. Her goal is to get him to 20% dysfluency within a year. That would be wonderful! Some children can't talk at all, so I remind myself that he is so very blessed to be very healthy.

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