Thursday, October 9, 2008

Boys and Mud

So, we can tell that summer is almost over. The laundry pile has exploded again! When the temps fall, the kids flee to the outdoors. The boys have taken to playing with trucks and dinosaurs in their homemade mud puddles. I love to see them outside, even if it means constant hose downs. In the last few weeks, the boys have really started playing well together. They have enjoyed it, but A6 is having some struggles now that she has competition for J4's play time.

As usual, I am amazed by J4's building ideas. I would not be surprised if he is an engineer someday. He built this contraption with an old board, hose, and water table. He wanted to make a waterfall and waterslide for the dinosaurs, and I think it turned out just as he envisioned.

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