Wednesday, October 22, 2008

School Days

We've had three great days in a row, and I thought I would post some pics. I learned today that if your child is staring into space in the middle of her math lesson, she's thinking and NOT goofing off. A6 was staring into space for the longest time trying to solve her math problem in her head without any manipulatives. She didn't get it right, but she was very, very close. I can't believe she's so close to adding two four-digit-numbers in her head. Amazing! Here's a cute conversation from today: A6: When did you start sitting in the front of the car when you were a kid? Me: I don't remember how old I was. Things were different then. I never had a car seat. A6: (audible gasp) You didn't? Did you ride in a wagon like Laura and Mary? I must look all of my newly turned 35 years! And, E2 finally has a name for himself! Here's his family list: Daddy = Daddy (pretty original) Mom = Mom (even more original) A6 = Ann J4 = Cho Little S = Baby E2 = I (cute, huh?) We had a great day - Four loads of laundry, three loads of dishes, and three baths for both boys. The boys were out in the mud all day.

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