Monday, August 31, 2009

New things for our homeschool!!

Today I went up to the school and signed up Anna & Jonah for a class. They are going to be joining their public school peers every day for a 40 minute class. The class rotates PE, music, and art. We are all pretty excited. I just hope I can handle the schedule. I will be dropping Anna off at 10:25 and then returning to drop off Jonah at 11:05. We plan on having Mark bring Jonah home. I have little talent in art or music, and PE is just fun. So, I hope this all works out. If not, we can scale it back and only select one of the three to take each semester or cut it out entirely. We've been doing schoolwork in the afternoon while Sarah & Eli nap, so their classes won't interfere (I hope) with our academic work at home. We will have to be more structured with our morning time for sure!

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