Monday, September 7, 2009

Birthday Boy!!

Eli is 3yo! I think he had a fun birthday. My mom made a cake for him yesterday, and my Uncle Bill stopped by to visit and got in on birthday action too.
What a happy gang.
Eli opened a couple presents after a birthday breakfast at a local cafe. Does this gift look like fun for a little boy? He didn't have to read the directions to figure this one out!
A happy, dirty face at the end of his big day.
Eli doesn't understand birthdays yet, but I think he'll be wondering why he's not getting presents tomorrow. Mark's family gave him presents on Saturday, my mom gave him gifts yesterday, and he received ours this morning. Seems like a pretty full three days.
I'm looking forward to the next year with my little boy. He is turning into a loving, fun, and determined (that's the nice version of stubborn) little boy. We are enjoying our 2nd time through the boy phases, and loving every new minute with Eli while remembering our firsts with Jonah.

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