Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

I'm back after a long break. We moved last weekend, and things seem to be together enough for me to grab a couple minutes for computer time. We spent this past weekend in the Cities on Mark's reserve weekend. The kids were awed by the big buildings, congestion, and huge Mall of America. Eli & Jonah were spellbound by LegoLand while Anna was overwhelmed by the American Girl store. I was reminded of why I hate shopping with the kids and how much work these four are to tote around outside of our friendly little town. I had the pleasure of physically restraining a disobedient Eli in two stores (complete with screaming and body thrashing). That kid is so wonderful, but he is also so stubborn, strong-willed, and strong. Here are a couple of pics from the past few weeks. The kids were playing superhero with our play silks. Oh, how I love those play silks. Anna was Honeybear, Jonah was Sky Blue, Eli was Green Grass, and Sarah was Little Miss Strawberry. The superheros are working together to save the world.
Sarah thinks she's a big kid sitting on a stool at the counter with a glass bowl.
Mark's parents came over for the big Vikings vs Packers football game. They brought Vikings outfits for all of us. Don't we look awesome and very purple?
The only Halloween pic I have. Anna was a 70's girl, Jonah & Eli were soldiers with swords and armor, and Sarah was a pumpkin. Halloween was a bust this year. Since 95% of the streets in town are tore up, muddy, and full of hazards, we didn't have any Trick or Treating. We went to a thing at the elementary gym, but it really wasn't any fun. We dearly missed Trick or Treating in Texas.

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