Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This just can't be true, but it is.

We just took a barn cat to the vet. Never did I think I would do such a thing. Kids obviously cause havoc in the brain. Fluffy is sick, and we just couldn't let Anna's second kitten die without doing something. It didn't seem like the right message to send. So, now she gets to administer antibiotics 2x per day.
The kids got to look in the microscrope to see the ear mites. That was pretty cool. Jonah tracked his first rabbit to its burrow. I panicked when I saw Sarah trailing the boys heading out toward the grove. They were so focused on the rabbit that I'm not sure they even knew she was outside. All was good, though. They found the burrow in the pasture, so I had a visual the entire time. Eli asked me to take this picture. Some day this will be a working schoolroom with wonderful shelving from Ikea. Dreams.......

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