Thursday, March 18, 2010

A 3yo funny from church

Mark was lectoring this Sunday so I was in the front pew with the kids by myself. It's Lent and Father Ray was wearing the standard purple vestments. As we are kneeling, Eli whispers as only a 3yo can whisper, "Mommy, does that purple Jesus have a penis?" How could I not snicker? So, I snicker and answer him, "Honey, that's Father Ray. It's not Jesus." Eli thought a minute and then replied, "Does that purple Father Ray have a penis?" Oh, my. A little while later Jonah leaned over to tell me that his gloves smelled like garter snakes. I can see why he would need to give that report. Than he asked me if I thought they would be able to find garter snakes this year just like last year. Geez. Is that really what we need to discuss in the middle of mass? Boys.

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