Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What do you do when you are so worried about

your little girl, but there's not much you can do? Our little Anna hasn't been able to swallow solid food for about a week now. It's really unexplainable. She's clearly hungry but she just can't eat. I took her in yesterday and fortunately, she hasn't lost any weight yet. She's subsisting on milk and bread products chewed into a liquid and eaten veeeerrrryyy slowly. It takes her about 30-45 minutes to eat half a muffin. The doctor didn't have any suggestions for us, but he did refer us to an ear, nose & throat specialist. We will see the specialist on Wednesday. Hopefully he/she finds something physical. If it's an emotional issue, I just don't know what to do. Sarah is becoming our potty training queen. She turned 22 months last week, and she has decided that she's not wearing diapers anymore. Who can argue with that? We still have to hover near her to send her to the toilet when she needs to go, but she does communicate when she needs to go. Since she's so young, I'm not sure when she'll send herself consistently. She's a smart cookie, though, so I expect she'll get it figured out quickly. Saturday she even went poop all by herself. Mark didn't even know she had done it till the deed was done! No other news to report. Eli has been busy making up songs and dances. I'll have to post a couple tomorrow. Jonah had the pleasure of going to bed early last night for not eating his peas & beans. Well, he mostly went to bed for his attitude about eating the peas & beans. He had 10ish peas and he couldn't think about eating them without throwing a fit. Geesh. How hard could it really be to stare at peas on your plate and then to choke them down?

1 comment:

Gruenes said...

Keep us updated on Anna.