Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some togetherness

The kids picked peppers from our garden and flooded my kitchen with produce. I don't know what got them going, but it was completely their idea to pick buckets and buckets and then bring the dirt and bugs into the kitchen. Good work, kids! Here they are having fun with a science project. They made some goop that wasn't quite a solid and wasn't quite a liquid. It went with our science lesson on the states of matter, or didn't really go with it since it wasn't a clear state of matter. The rest of the science lesson was more educational. This was just for fun.
And here they are making religious crafts. I have to tell you that they were listening to poetry at the same time. It was an amazing, perfect homeschooling hour.
Cute sibs.
Sibs playing babies together. Looks like we have too many babies.

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