Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This week on the prairie

Despite being weird homeschoolers who DO immunize, Jonah caught whooping caugh. The doctor put all the kids on antibiotics since it's not something you want kids to catch. Here are the medications lined up and ready to go. I put different colored rubber bands to attach each syringe. I don't know how else I would keep them straight. Another cute sib pic.
We spent Mark's reserve weekend in the Cities having fun. It's only the second time we've gone despite having free lodging and transportation for the weekend. The kids & I made out like bandits on free activities. We swam at the hotel, went to the Como Park zoo, and the Minnesota Children's Museum - all for $0!
Eli at the Children's Museum.
Sarah wearing Mark's military boots.
We visited LegoLand at the Mall of America too. A definite must-see for little boys. Here are the kids posing on huge legos outside the mall.

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