And, here's the story. We all arrive for our well kid appointments at 9:00am. As you might expect, I wasn't in a good mood since I was determined that the kids had to get their chores done before we left the house. That means I harped a lot and they whined a lot as I pushed to get them out door. So, anyway, we arrived slightly late. We waited in the waiting room while the kids fought over the waiting room toys. Sometimes it's just easier if the waiting rooms aren't kid friendly. When we finally saw the doctor, he was very s-l-o-w and the exams took forever. Insert outrage: Can you believe they gave Sarah her immunization shots before the doctor even came into the room? What were they thinking? It's difficult to proceed with an exam when your patient is screaming.
So, I sent Anna & Eli back to the waiting room. It was just too much for all of us to be in there together for that long. As I was packing up to take the kids for bloodwork, Eli came walking back into our room minus his shoes and pants. Hello???? Why would a 2yo take off his clothes in the waiting room?
We all then settled into the lab area. I had Sarah on my lap and Jonah sat next to us. Anna went down the hall with a nurse and Eli was crawling under the chairs. Well, ya know, he's two and my hands were already busy. So, they prick Sarah's finger and she starts screaming. Really, really screaming. Screaming like I've never heard. They prick Jonah's finger and he starts whimpering. Then crying. They get done with Sarah and try to bandage her finger but she was screaming so hard that they couldn't get her blood to clot and she tore off every bandage they put on her finger. She even resorted to using her teeth to get them off. Then, Jonah faints. Yes, he truly fainted. Thank God he was sitting next to me and he fell onto me. It could have been much worse. The nurse grabbed him and held him while he came to. He was so white and pastey, and he was crying even more. I was frightened for him, and I couldn't do anything since I had a screaming baby on my lap. Amongst all the commotion, Eli managed to climb behind my chair and was asking me over and over and over if I would open his fruit snacks.
I can't do the trip justice, but I can feel my blood pressure elevating just remembering the day. Oh, my.
Just because she is adorable...
1 comment:
Oh man jennifer this post gave me a giggle, im not ging to lie. I can only imagine that kind of stress, taking beth and nick to their apts was bad enough when they were younger..but then to add two more on top of that oye. You know...uncle bill faints when he sees blood too...maybe it's a family thing. Im glad everything worked out in the end.
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