Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nothing Much

Here they are making mountains yesterday. Our literature unit this week is Climbing Kansas Mountains. Do ya see the mountain connection? I made a big batch of playdoh and had them make a mountain in a tuperware container. Then they added blue water to turn their mountain into an island. They then made a lake and poured water into it (kinda like the inverse of a mountain). Here are some cute kid quotes: Eli: "Mom, I saw God!" (said with great wonder and excitement after shaking Father Ray's hand after Mass last Sunday) Jonah: "Mom, I see the Father who owns the church." (He saw Father Ray getting into his car after church.) And perhaps the best, at least for my side of the family: The kids were so very excited to catch three snakes one day this week. They brought them to me and were telling me the names....Lizzie Anna, Little Mark, and......for the biggest snake....Big Bob. I was rolling on the floor.

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