Monday, May 25, 2009

Five Words

One of the big milestones as a parent is hearing your babies start talking. We usually have a fun contest over whether the kids say "mama" or "dada" first. And you can guess who usually wins in our breastfeeding stay-at-home-mom life. So, Sarah is the age to start talking, and I was wondering which sibling's names she would say first. Of course I expected her to nail "mama" and then work through the rest of our names.'s her list in the order she has learned them:
  1. shoe
  2. cheese
  3. boo!
  4. tickle, tickle
  5. up

Not only did the five members of her family not make the first five list, but CHEESE came before all of us. CHEESE????? Really?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Behold the power of CHEESE!